报告人:陈书恺 博士
陈书恺,博士毕业于新加坡国立大学土木工程系。研究方向包括(1)基于自动驾驶技术的交通规划与管理(2)集装箱运输与转运问题(3)交通大数据分析与应用。主要通过运用混合整数规划与非线性优化理论与方法,解决城市交通与物流的关键科学问题,加速新型交通技术(自动驾驶、电动车)在城市交通系统中推广与应用。相关研究成果已在Transportation Research Part B/C/D/E等期刊发表学术论文10余篇。担任Transportation Research Part B,Part E等学术期刊审稿人。
In recent decades, the automotive industry has witnessed rapid development in automated driving, which will change the transportation system fundamentally. One of the applications of automated driving in freight transportation is the platooning of autonomous trucks (ATs). An AT platoon refers to a set of ATs that travel with a short inter-vehicle distance, which helps enhance the aerodynamics of ATs and reduce fuel consumption. This presentation introduces an AT-based scheduling problem for container transshipment between two seaport terminals, including two crucial considerations: platoon coordination and speed optimization. A mixed-integer second-order-cone programming (MISOCP) model and a column-generation-based (CG-based) heuristic method are developed to solve the problem. Extensive numerical experiments based on the practice of Singapore Port demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.